The Number One Thing You Can Do To Increase Your Health, Wellbeing, Immune Response and Energy Levels is Learn How to Become a Better Sleeper Today!
Before you go…. I’ve filmed a series of FREE videos which will help you improve your life. Starting with how to change any bad habits. Just enter your details and look out for an email confirmation from me to get started.
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This course is a gem. I tried it and it really works! I would recommend this to anyone looking to feel better every day, which I imagine is most people!
Triada Pulham
Sleep Soundly Again
>>> Boost Your Immune System
>>> Increase Your Energy Levels
>>> Wake Up Productive
>>> Increase Focus
>>> Curb Food Cravings
>>> Get a great night's sleep once again
>>> Avoid Common Sleeping Pitfalls
>>> Sleep Naturally and Effortlessly
Letter from Hari Kalymnios
I spent 20 years of my life not being able to sleep well. I took ages to fall asleep. And by ages I mean 45 minutes to an hour. And I thought that was normal! I didn't realise that there were things that I was doing (or not doing) that were directly affecting my ability to fall asleep. Not only was falling asleep a problem, but I used to wake several times in the middle of the night and then worst of all wake up feeling tired, unrested and irritable.
The first time I remember having trouble sleeping I was only 12 years old. I used to lay awake, just thinking about life and all the woes and worries that a 12 year old boy has. I would wonder whether other people took this long to fall asleep and kept waking up. In fact, I probably had problems sleeping much earlier than that as for a few years growing up I used to be a regular sleepwalker! My parents would wake up and find me in all manner of places round the house!
Fast forward 20+ years and I finally started to learn and apply the things I'm going to share with you in this course. The things I learnt are not about taking drugs, supplements or anything like that. Most, cost absolutely nothing at all. They are just principles and disciplines that once followed, dramatically increased the quality of my sleep. Both the amount of time it took for me to fall asleep (now it's about 1-3 minutes) but also the quality of sleep that I currently get. As well as how rested I felt the next morning.
It really troubles me to see so many people suffer with their sleep. It's worse now than ever with our "always on" society. I really thought that everyone knew this stuff and that I was "the last person to know". When I found out that wasn't the case, and that I can help others who don't get the sleep they deserve, I felt compelled to design this course for you.
I know - absolutely - that this course can help you if you want to improve your sleep. You just have to follow the advice in it. That's all. I'm so confident that it will help improve your sleep that if, for whatever reason, you decide it's not for you, then I'm offering a full 30 day money back guarantee. So there's no risk to you - at all.
Just click on the button and you'll be given access to a truly sleep (and life) changing course.
I can't wait to see you on the inside.

P.S. Remember that this online training course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. That means, that you have a full month to try this out and if it isn't for you, then you can get your money back. No questions asked.
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This elite online training course has 16 lectures in the core content with an additional 2 lectures in bonus content, together with a life-changing book you can download and also views from other experts. Each video lecture is accompanied by an easy to digest one page handout that you can download to remember the key principles from the lecture.
Bad Quality Sleep Can Lead To:
4 FREE Bonuses Included!
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This comprehensive online course - SLEEP SOUNDLY - presented by Hari Kalymnios from The Thought Gym, is organised into 4 modules

In order to really crack the issue that you have with sleep it's vital to understand why we need sleep, the negative effects a bad night's sleep can have on you as well as how our bodies work. You'll learn all about why you need sleep and also the circadian rhythms of your body and why understanding them is paramount to your success.
This section sets a great foundation on which to build your knowledge base to really see dramatic improvements in your sleep patterns.
Sleep Supporters
In this section you will learn about a number of strategies that you can adopt to improve your sleep. These strategies are simple and easy to implement and are natural, safe and mostly free to do.
After the nine training lectures in this course you'll know more than 99.9% of the general population when it comes to doing things that improve your sleep. The best part? You'll be able to help the many other like you and I who "used" to suffer from bad sleep.

Sleep Stealers
While there are many things that improve your sleep, most people are not following those. Worse still, they are making the problem worse by doing activities and practices that "steal" your sleep from right under you.
I can guarantee you are doing at least one of the things on this list - if not all. By the end of this section, you will know exactly what to avoid if you are to really maximise your sleep quality.
This section contains several bonuses that will compliment the main strategies in the core course. Here you will learn some simple stress reduction techniques and have the opportunity to read a life-changing book. The book - The Thought Gym - will help you achieve any goal you have by giving you the tools by which to alter your behaviours, beliefs, values and identity as well as giving you a blueprint to goal-setting that will leave you leagues ahead of your peers.
Finally, I also share with you lectures from other experts in the field of sleep and health who have delivered talks elsewhere. I've done the hard work of finding and curating them and share them with you so you get even more skills when it comes to sleeping well.

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Born and raised in London but with Mediterranean heritage and having spent years travelling the globe, Hari considers himself a World Citizen. Hari Kalymnios studied Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Manchester where he earned a First Class Honours degree. Following his degree, Hari’s continued desire to learn and grow saw him spend three years independently travelling the world, meeting and getting to know a variety of people and cultures. On returning to the UK, Hari settled into a "city" life and worked in offices like many others. Pretty much falling into the various jobs. Hari worked in pubs and leisure centres, city councils and prestigious law firms and then eventually found a role working for international consultancy firm Accenture based at the world famous London Stock Exchange working in IT.
However Hari's real passion remained in health and fitness which eventually led him to pursue those areas instead. Frustrated at seeing colleagues feeling lacklustre, de-energised or suffering with their health, Hari sought to understand what it was that made the difference. He set off on a quest of understanding. A quest that led him to challenge and indeed change his own beliefs about what it took to live with health, vibrancy and energy. He also realised that despite appearing healthy and fit on the outside, he was living on borrowed time. His journey into bettering his own lifestyle led him to research and study several fields including health, fitness, nutrition, psychology, science, EFT and NLP amongst others.
And then changes started to happen. Hari's mindset changed, his energy levels went up (and he was starting from a pretty energised place anyway) and so did his happiness and focus increase. Hari took a look at all these varied and seemingly unrelated disciplines and started to piece together what it was that made the biggest differences in his life.
And a key section was sleep. It was something that had never been optimal for Hari. However, as he learnt more and more from people who seemed to have it worked out, Hari made changes that saw dramatic improvements in his sleep quality.
He had uncovered something that could help huge numbers of people who suffer with bad sleep and help transform their lives for the better! He now makes it his personal and professional mission to help empower people to become the best versions of themselves.

Hari feels blessed to have been able to impact the following organisations, companies and publications with his work in this area.

The History Behind This Course - Sleep Soundly

As Hari begun his journey into personal improvement he started meeting and interacting with some really interesting people. People who seemed to defy conventional expectations when it came to ageing, health, vitality, overcoming disease, illness and injury. Some previously long held beliefs started to be questioned and Hari asked himself the question: "What if what I thought was true - wasn't?"
With that question, it led him to ask more. "What don't I know?", "What if being tired, or having your body degenerate as you get old isn't a given?", "Who is there out there that has defied conventional understanding when it comes to health and wellness?"
Hari started observing and learning from others. People who, despite being decades older, seemed to have the energy and enthusiasm of 5 year olds! He started reading, asking questions and most importantly - making changes in his own life. And he kept what worked for him and then dropped what didn't.
And this didn't happen overnight. Over a process of several years, several small changes were implemented. And then finally Hari thought: "I need to make this teachable."
He started to analyse all the changes that he had made which had led to amazing results and started to formulate them into a coherent, robust and comprehensive model - or framework. Within this framework, which he teaches and which is called The Energy B.E.A.T. Model, something became abundantly clear. One element in particular seemed to resonate with people most. That of sleep. Not getting enough. Not getting quality sleep. Feeling tired when waking up. And more.
And so, Hari decided that a separate standalone course was required to address these issues around sleep. Having suffered from sub-optimal sleep for decades but now having improved it so much, Hari had to share what he knew. And so, this course - Sleep Soundly - was born
By learning, understanding and most importantly applying the principles that you'll learn in taking this course, you will not only be able to improve your sleep quality, but also your overall health. You'll also be able to spread the messages shared in this course with your loved ones and friends who also might suffer from not getting a good night's rest.
Don't waste another day feeling tired, lacking in energy and not getting the quality, restful night's sleep you deserve. Do something about it TODAY and join Hari as he shares with you life-changing ways to improve your sleep, health and ultimately your life.

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This is just what I have been looking for. I have been burning the candle at both ends for too long and felt myself burning out. Now I can do it all and still feel great.
Trevor Uff
I've struggled for a long time with tiredness, no matter what I tried I couldn't beat it, so this is a perfect course and would highly recommend it to anyone in a similar position!
Nina Johnson-Marshall
Hari Kalymnios has mapped out a brilliant framework for unlocking our otherwise untapped energy to allow us to live with vigour. These video courses find the right balance of substance and style - great content delivered in an engaging style. The instructor is clearly a thought leader in his field and it shows in his ability to distil more technical concepts in a simplified way. Furthermore, these course embody the term 'value for money' so I'd recommend not delaying - invest the time now so that you can see those great results you're striving for much sooner!
Vishnu Hariharan
This has to be a must for anyone who works hard and plays hard. I have found by implementing the principles and ideas of Hari Kalymnios I'm able to focus more and have more energy both in my work and family life. Its easy to read, listen or watch a video about change, but if you really want to feel better and have more energy, then you need to do this.
Ben Parry
Having started Hari's online course and listened to him speaking life I am buzzing with ideas and inspiration. I loved how he covered so many aspects of living energetically and brought them together in simple models that are easy to apply. I feel excited about starting to make changes now. We will see more of this guy for sure!
Hans Schumann
This is such incredible content which Hari Kalymnios has accumulated and shared with us. I used to feel so tired and lethargic all the time, and the information presented has really made a huge difference in my day to day. I would say this course is definitely for you if you want to get to the bottom of your daily slump and do something about it 🙂 Another great plus is how clearly it has been presented, the language used is user friendly and Hari's advice comes across in a very in a very friendly way, its not one of those nagging videos where you feel instantly guilty for your lifestyle! Highly recommended viewing, makes a real difference.
Marketa Kridova
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Here are the five most frequently asked questions about this online course.
How do I know whether it will work for me?
The techniques to improve your sleep offered in this course have been tested and shown to work. Either through experience or through studies conducted by other institutions. Everyone is different, of course. The key will always be to get to the underlying issues surrounding any lack of quality sleep. That said, if you follow the guidelines in this course and you don't see any improvement, then you can get your money back within 30 days. There really is no risk to you.
How do I access it?
Once you click the order button you will be taken to a payment gateway where you will first pay for access. This is via PayPal, but you can pay with all the major cards. You will then be taken to a thank you page and instructed to visit your Inbox (and spam folder) for the email address used to pay. This email will have instructions on how to register a username for the course. Once registered, you can access the course anywhere you have an online connection. Via computer, tablet or smartphone. The entire course content (including the bonuses) are available to access immediately. It's structured into different modules each teaching a concept or idea. You have access to the content for as long as you have an internet connection.
Are there any ongoing subscription fees or hidden costs?
No, once you pay the initial price, it's yours for life (or as long as we have this thing called the Internet, anyway!). 🙂 Of course, you have a 30-day period to trial the product and get a full refund if you don't think it's giving you the tools you need. After that 30-day period, the product is yours for life to enjoy.
What kind of ongoing support is offered?
There is a comments system built in to the membership site that you have access to once you purchase the system. From there you can ask any related questions and either Hari, or indeed, your fellow students may answer to help guide you. Hari typically checks the comments every week for new ones to respond to, and often sooner.
Do I need to buy any additional items to make the best of this course?
No, the majority of the gains you will get in your sleep quality will be by following some simple and free principles. There are some solutions that can may require additional outlay, but really that is completely optional. Just by doing all the free suggestions in this course will dramatically improve your sleep quality.

Do you have any questions that are not covered by our FAQs? Please contact us so we can help you!
Feel Great, Find Energy and Reclaim Your Sleep TODAY
Learn how to sleep like a baby once again!

Your order is backed by our 30-day money back guarantee so you have a full month to try the lessons out risk-free.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.